Friday, August 10, 2012

Brain Training Games: Context, Trends, Questions | Health and ...

A spate of recent news cov?er?age on brain fit?ness and ?brain
train?ing? reflects a grow?ing inter?est in nat?ural, non-drug-based
inter?ven?tions to keep our brains sharp as we age. This inter?est is
very timely, given the aging pop?u?la?tion, increas?ing Alzheimer?s
rates, and soar?ing health care costs that place more empha?sis than
ever on pre?ven?tion and chang?ing lifestyle.

This past Tues?day, the MIT Club of North?ern Cal?i?for?nia, the Amer?i?can Soci?ety on Aging, and Smart?Sil?vers spon?sored an event on The Emerg?ing Brain Fit?ness Soft?ware Mar?ket: Build?ing Bet?ter Brains to explore the real?i?ties and myths of this grow?ing field. The panel was mod?er?ated by Zack Lynch, Exec?u?tive Direc?tor of the Neu?rotech?nol?ogy Indus?try Orga?ni?za?tion, and com?posed of a ven?ture cap?i?tal?ist and 3 CEOs of pro?gram devel?op?ers in the field. Before the panel, I had the chance to present an overview of the state of the Brain Fit?ness Soft?ware Mar?ket based on our upcom?ing report to be released on March?4th.

Why are we talk?ing about this field at all? Well, for one, an increas?ing num?ber of com?pa?nies are achiev?ing sig?nif?i?cant com?mer?cial suc?cess in pack?ag?ing ?brain exer?cise?. An exam?ple is the line of Nin?tendo games, such as Brain Age and Brain Train?ing, that have shipped over 15 mil?lion units world?wide despite lim?ited sci?en?tific sup?port, since 2005. What is less vis?i?ble is that a num?ber of com?pa?nies and sci?en?tists are part?ner?ing to bring prod?ucts to mar?ket with a more solid clin?i?cal val?i?da?tion. We esti?mate the US mar?ket was $225m in 2007 (grow?ing from $100 in 2005). Wheras K12 Edu?ca?tion used to be the major seg?ment, adult con?sumers are respon?si?ble for most of that growth: we esti?mate the con?sumer seg?ment grew from a few mil?lion in 2005 to $80 m in?2007.

Who is buy?ing these prod?ucts? Yes, of course, many adults over 50 who want to pro?tect their mem?ory are among the pio?neers. 78 mil?lion baby boomers are eager to try new approaches. A grow?ing num?ber of retire?ment com?mu?ni?ties and nurs?ing homes are offer?ing pro?grams to their res?i?dents to expand their usual fit?ness and social activ?i?ties. And we can?t for?get about K12 edu?ca?tion: cer?tain brain fit?ness soft?ware pack?ages have shown they can help kids who have dyslexia and related difficulties.

Is there sci?ence behind these claims? Do these prod?ucts work? It depends on how we define ?work?. If ?work?ing? means quan?tifi?able short-term improve?ments after a num?ber of weeks of sys?tem?atic ?brain train?ing? to improve spe?cific cog?ni?tive skills, then the answer is that a num?ber of pro?grams do seem to work. If , on the other hand, ?work?ing? means mea?sur?able long-term ben?e?fits, such as bet?ter over?all brain health as we age, or lower inci?dence of Alzheimer?s symp?toms, the answer is that cir?cum?stan?tial evi?dence sug?gests they may, but it is still too early to?tell.

Are there any pub?lic pol?icy impli?ca?tions? We cer?tainly believe that there are. The Cen?ter for Dis?ease Con?trol recently part?nered with the Alzheimer?s Asso?ci?a?tion to develop a com?pre?hen?sive Cog?ni?tive Health roadmap to bet?ter guide research efforts and improve pub?lic edu?ca?tion on the lifestyle habits that every proud owner of a brain could ben?e?fit from fol?low?ing. Given the high rates of trau?matic brain injuries and stress dis?or?ders found in a large num?ber of the men and women com?ing home from the Iraq war, the mil?i?tary is invest?ing heav?ily in research to help iden?tify prob?lems to develop tools to solve them, and we expect that research will trans?late into wider health appli?ca?tions. No pres?i?den?tial can?di?date, to our knowl?edge, has directly addressed his or her pri?or?i?ties in the cog?ni?tive health realm but, given the grow?ing impor?tance and eco?nomic impact of brain-related dis?or?ders, we expect that to hap?pen?soon.

What are some trends that exec?u?tives and investors should be look?ing at to under?stand this grow?ing mar?ket?

Let me make a few predictions:

1) An increased empha?sis on Brain Main?te?nance, from retire?ment com?mu?ni?ties to gyms and health clubs. Will health clubs one day offer brain fit?ness pro?grams, and per?haps ?brain coaches?? We think so.
2) Bet?ter and more widely avail?able assess?ments of cog?ni?tive func?tion will enable of all us to estab?lish an objec?tive base?line of how our minds are evolv?ing, iden?tify pri?or?i?ties for ?work?outs? and lifestyle inter?ven?tions, and help us mea?sure progress. Science-fiction? Not really. there are already pretty good tests used in clin?i?cal and med?ical envi?ron?ments, the chal?lenge will be to refine and pack?age those assess?ments in a consumer-friendly way.
3) We will see more and bet?ter computer-based tools, each of which may be more appro?pri?ate to work on spe?cific pri?or?i?ties. Just as we find a vari?ety of machines in health clubs today, in the future we can expect dif?fer?ent pro?grams tai?lored to train spe?cific cog?ni?tive skills.
4) More non-computer based tools will also pro?vide much value. There is more and more research on how med?i?ta?tion and cog?ni?tive ther?apy, to men?tion 2 exam?ples, can be very effec?tive in lit?er?ally re-wiring parts of the brain.
5) Insur?ance Com?pa?nies will intro?duce incen?tives for mem?ber who want to fol?low brain fit?ness pro?grams. Per?haps even com?pa?nies will offer such pro?grams to employ?ees to attract and retain mature work?ers who want access to the best and the lat?est inno?va?tions to keep their minds?sharp.

Now, this being a pretty new field, the panel dis?cussed sev?eral open ques?tions, that will only be clar?i?fied with time:

? What is the right busi?ness model? are we talk?ing about content-driven edu?tain?ment? or ther?a?peu?tic appli?ca?tions, per?haps with some reg?u?la?tions by the FDA? sell?ing soft?ware prod?ucts? online sub?scrip?tions?

? What is the killer appli?ca?tion? fun games with unproven brain ben?e?fits? pro?grams that improve the men?tal skills involved in spe?cific activ?i?ties, such as dri?ving? appli?ca?tions that help slow down the pro?gres?sion from Mild Cog?ni?tive Impair?ment to full-blown Alzheimer?s symp?toms?

? How will con?sumers and insti?tu?tions receive qual?ity infor?ma?tion and edu?ca?tion to nav?i?gate through the emerg?ing research and the over?whelm?ing num?ber of new pro?grams, sep?a?rat?ing real?ity from?hype?

In sum?mary, what were the main take-aways from the event?

1. Research indi?cates that a num?ber of cog?ni?tive abil?i?ties (atten?tion, mem?ory?) can be assessed and trained

2. An emerg?ing mar?ket is start?ing to develop-growing from an esti?mated $100m in 2005 to $225m in 2007, in the US alone-, and is poised to keep grow?ing at sig?nif?i?cant rates.

3. Many com?pa?nies are cur?rently sell?ing prod?ucts direct to con?sumers (as well as through insti?tu?tions) with some?times unclear claims ? this threat?ens to con?fuse con?sumers and present a major obsta?cle to the growth and cred?i?bil?ity of the sector.


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