Friday, July 20, 2012

Friendships Gone Bad: Why You Should End a... | Gather

Toxic friendships aren't simply bad for the two people involved in the relationship, they can cause negative consequences for those around the two people involved. There are many reasons for ending a toxic friendship, perhaps the word "toxic" says it all.

This is the definition of toxic, according to Webster's online dictionary:


1. of, pertaining to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison: a toxic condition.2.

acting as or having the effect of a poison; poisonous: a toxicdrug.

Who wants to be in a relationship or friendship like that? That is a friendship that can only go downhill for both people and only continue in a vicious cycle.

If you are questioning whether or not you are in a toxic friendship or not, it's time to step back and evaluate.

Do you often feel as though the other person and their issues are more important than anything going on with you?

Does the other person often have a lot of "drama" that they inevitably drag you into?

Are you often left wondering what the other person is actually bringing to the friendship?

Do you feel like your friend wouldn't be able to go on and live their life if you weren't there to help them pick up the pieces? Or vice versa?

Are you putting most of the effort into the relationship and nothing ever seems to change?

Do you and your friend frequently disagree and then you end up feeling manipulating into agreeing with them or working out the issue?


A toxic friendship isn't just toxic for yourself, it's also toxic for the other person. Sometimes it takes stepping away from the other person that will actually throw them into gear and get them to learn how to function in a normal friendship and everyday life.

If you feel stressed out when you think of the other person or just simply talking to them, then you are likely in a toxic friendship. It's important to realize that you can't change another person or their life and you can't "fix" them. All you can do sometimes is walk away and give them a chance to move on to a more positive place in their lives.

Walking away from a toxic friendship doesn't mean you don't care about the other person, it simply means that you are simply choosing to build healthier relationships that bring only positive to your life - while the other person can make the choice to become healthier and let positive into their life.

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